"Exracted Products Purchased Under Shadow"


20:25 08/10/2008

By the order of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan the supervision
service has conducted an investigation in the exploited minings located
in the administrative territory of Yerevan and nearby, reported the
press service of the President’s Administration.

According to the source, the results of the study have been discussed
during a consultation at the President. The Prime Minister, the Head
of Staff, the Ministers of Energy and Natural Resources, Economy,
Environmental Protection, the Mayor of Yerevan, the Chairman of Real
Estate Cadastre, the heads of State Revenues Committee were also
present at the meeting.

The President said that such checkings should be conducted often,
in order to struggle against shadow, corruption. Hovhannes Hovsepyan,
the head of the Supervision Service announced that according to the
results of the study the extracts have been kept and their revenues
hided under shadow.

The President of Armenia encouraged all the responsible bodies to
take appropriate measures to meet the challenge.