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Pro-Levon Activists Aim at Capturing The Presidential Residence


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
11 Oct 2008

During the pre-election period Ter-Petrosyan used to accuse this or
that presidential candidate in holding their campaign by illegal
financial leakage, which over again proves that he has been guided by
the principle `to attack first is the best defense’, thus hiding his
own intrigues.

It turned out that there were illegal money transfers in L.
Ter-Petrosyan’s headquarter. And by the way too much. The best
testimony to the before mentioned is the criminal case filed against
the chief of LTP’s general headquarter in Vayots Dsor Aghasy Lazarian.
This person was convicted for distributing election bribe. In his
testimony given to the inquest bodies he has clearly mentioned what sum
has been received.

Particularly the head of LTP’s pre-election headquarter located in town
Vayk of Vayots Dsor province has received certain amount for the
pre-election expenses. For example deputy director of Matenadaran
Arshak Banuchyan gave 830000 drams to LTP’s headquarter (most probably
from his pocket). A. Lazarian said he received money from strangers `
1500 dollars from one person, 500 dollars from another, and 100
thousand drams from the third one. He regularly received big amount of
money from the central headquarter (around half a million).

The testimony given
by A. Lazarian demonstrates that LTP’s
pre-election headquarter didn’t show the real amount of the money.

The interception of Alik Arzumanyan’s telephone conversation by the way
proves that the selection of the place for staging the coup d’état was
far not accidental.

What was the task of the pro-Levon activists?

At the moment it is evident that ` they have set a task to capture
territories beginning from the French Embassy to the governmental
country-houses and Baghramyan Avenue. And to avoid moving by Baghramyan
Avenue they chose to go by Leo Street and to reach the country-houses
by Proshyan. On their way they were planning to capture the National
Assembly and the Presidential Residence.

The people have captured Prospect Avenue, Paronyan, and Proshyan

Head of LTP’s pre-election headquarter Alik Arzumanyan, who was the
coordinator of the whole March 1 operation got the following
information from a certain Surik on March 1 at 11.27 p.m. `The people
have captured whole Prospect Avenue, Paronyan and Proshyan streets¦’

What does this episode of the interception demonstrate? It shows the
following – the before mentioned territories were at the disposal of
the demonstrators and there were no police forces there. Whereas these
people captured the before mentioned streets destroying everything on
their way. By the way it was in this territory that th
e ill-starred
accident took place (in Paronyan Street). In his information given to
Alik Arzumanyan Surik Surenyan said that not the police were the author
of that accident, because even in case of a big desire they couldn’t do
that, but the demonstrators who were the owners of those streets.

Did the police join them?

Do you remember in what scenario did the pro-Levon activists hold the
demonstrations in the Theatrical Square? They appointed the time of the
demonstration, then around two hours entertained the participants with
music, then some activists of Armenian Pan National Movement cheated
the participants saying that the representatives of this or that force
structures have taken their side. Such as `Chief Police Officer Hayk
Harutyunyan has taken our side,’ that `he is planning to resign’ or
`Manvel Grigoryan is with us’ etc.

In essence, thus they were preparing a good ground for the police to
unite with them (remember how they were trying to win the heart of the
police). Which means they hoped, on March 1 finally the police would
take their side. The telephone conversation between Alik Arzumanyan and
Kochar Davtyan testifies to the before mentioned fact.

A. A. `Do the police join you?’

K. D. ` Everyone went. No one is left here. We have closed all the
entries with busses. Only tanks can enter. So everything is ok.’

0ASorry Mr. Ter-Petrosyan, why did you build barricades, why did your
people turn the center of the city into barricades? Were they getting
prepared for a civil war? Against whom and how were they going to fight
if `there were no policemen there, they were the owners of the captured

And by the way the police didn’t beat them, didn’t use force against
them. And when the `peaceful’ demonstrators saw that the police didn’t
intend to use force against them they started their provocative actions.

The interception of the telephone conversation between the two
activists belonging to Armenian Pan National Movement Ararat Zurabyan
and Virab Manukyan, on March 1, at 00.21 a.m. testifies to the before

Virab ` `How are you?’

Ararat ` `We are ok. Standing firm.’

Virab ` `Hold out. We are getting prepared to meet those Mongols. We
have placed a yellow bus here, so we are ready to meet them. Is
everything ok there?’

Ararat ` `There are less people, but in general everything is ok.’

Virab ` `No matter. Good luck!’

And the barricades started from the circus. Between `VivaCell’ and
Hotel `Metropol’, which stretched to Grigor Lusavorich street and the
revolutionaries moved through Paronyan street.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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