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10th Annual Golden Raisin Armenian Film Festival – Call for films

Armenian Studies Program
Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator
5245 N Backer Ave PB4
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
Email: barlowd@csufresno.edu
ASP Office: 559-278-2669
Office: 559-278-4930
FAX: 559-278-2129

10th Annual Golden Raisin Armeinan Film Festival

Spring 2009
(Date to be Announced)

Sponsored by the Armenian Students Organization
Armenian Studies Program
California State University, Fresno
Partially funded by the
Diversity Awareness Program of the University Student Union, CSU Fresno

First Call for Entries

Entries are being sought for the 10th Annual Golden Raisin Armenian
Film Festival to be held on the California State University, Fresno
Films made by Armenian directors/writers, or films with an Armenian
theme are being sought.

Films up to 1 hour in length.
Films may be in any language, English preferred.
Films may be on any topic, Armenian theme preferred.
Film must be in video (NTSC)/DVD format.

Deadline for entries to be received is January 15, 2009.

Please send the video/DVD to:

Armenian Film Festival
c/o Armenian Studies Program
5245 N Backer Ave. PB4
Fresno, CA 93740-8001

Entries should be accompanied by a CV of the director/writer
and a synopsis of the film.

Telephone 559-278-2669
Email: barlowd@csufresno.edu

The Festival Committee will meet to view and judge which
entries will be accepted for the Film Festival. Entrants will be
contacted by email with the

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