In The French Senate


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
15 Oct 2008

In the course of the upcoming months, the French-Armenians will have
to invest tremendous efforts for including the discussions over the
bill envisaging criminal liability for the denial of the Armenian
Genocide into the agenda of the Senate.

Hilda Choboyan, Head of the ARFD "Hay Dat" Office in Europe, said
that after the elections to the Senate, the upper house of the French
Parliament has a new Speaker, and it is required to carry out an
active lobbying for introducing the demands of the French-Armenians
to the new leader.

Let’s note that on October 12, 2006 the French Parliament passed a bill
envisaging punishment for the denial of the Armenian Genocide. The
punishment includes imprisonment for the term of 1 year or fine in
the amount of up to 45 thousand Euros. The Bill has been submitted
to the Senate for approval.