OSCE, UN And EU Set Next Date For Georgia Discussions


16.10.2008 13:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The OSCE, UN and EU co-chaired discussions on Georgia
in Geneva and it was agreed the parties would meet again next month.

"Today, we have started the process of international discussions,"
said Ambassador Heikki Talvitie, the Special Envoy of the OSCE
Chairman-in-Office. "All participants came to Geneva and showed their
willingness to engage. They all expressed their views."

He noted that the other two co-chairs – Ambassador Johan Verbeke of
the UN and Ambassador Pierre Morel of the EU – and he had decided
to adjourn the day’s afternoon discussions. The next session was set
for 18 November.

"Our three organizations are fully committed to take this process
forward," Talvitie said. "Our aim is very practical; to strengthen
stability in the region and improve the humanitarian situation ,"
he added, the OSCE communications unit reported.

Georgian and Russian officials gathered in Geneva on October 15 for
key talks on the recent conflict over Georgia’s breakaway region of
South Ossetia. The talks – which were mediated by the UN, the EU and
the OSCE – aimed at encouraging stability and security in the Caucasus.

On Tuesday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in Geneva,
"The international discussion that shall take place tomorrow is a
beginning. This should not be seen as the end. "It may take time,
so we need to have some patience," he added.

The U.S. did not object participation of the breakaway republics
in talks.