Shirak Torosyan’s Requests Remained Unanswered

15:35 16/10/2008

The representative of Georgian Embassy in Armenia Nino Aptsiauri for
many years has worked in Armenian Language and Literature department
in Pedagogic University of Tbilisi. In a meeting discussion on
Armenian-Georgian relationship N. Aptsiauri said that he is proud
of that.

"Currently nobody studies in that department. What is the reason to
that? Doesn’t Armenians want to study there?" he said.

Shirak Torosyan, the chairman of "Djavakhq" union and member of
Republican fraction in National Assembly was present at the meeting
and he said: "Mrs. Nino, the reason why Armenians don’t want to study
there is the national discrimination."

Shirak Torosyan has made various requests about the language problem,
education, schools, books which Armenians in Djavakhq are forced
to study, army problems. N. Aptsiauri was not able to answer all
the requests.