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Russia’s Square Opened In Yerevan


21.10.2008 13:58

Henceforth the area between the City Hall of Yerevan and the Moscow
House will be called Russia’s Square. Today the Presidents of Armenia
and Russia Serzh Sargsyan and Dmitry Medvedev unveiled the plaque of
the square.

Dmitry Medvedev assessed the event as significant, noting that it
demonstrates the fair, honest feelings, the open and deep relations
of the two peoples and states. According to the Russian President, the
opening of the square is a sign of respect for contemporary democratic
Russia and the centuries-old friendship between the two peoples.

The President of Russia assured everything possible will be done
for the reinforcement and development of strategic relations between
the two countries. He attached importance to the coordinated actions
of the two countries within international organizations, which will
reinforce the positions of the states not only in the Caucasus, but
also the world. Russia is interested that the Armenian nation lives
in a strong, flourishing and stable country.

The Russian President assured also that there is political will
on both sides to develop the common business and cooperation for
implementation of joint humanitarian projects.

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan assessed the opening of the
square as a wonderful and significant event, which symbolizes the
allied relations and cultural-historical similarities between the two
states. The Presidnet of Armenia stated that it is symbolic that the
square is located on the area of the Yerevan Fortress, on which the
Russian flag first rose on October 1, 1827.

The decision to found the Russian Square in the above-mentioned
area was taken by the Council of the Yerevan City Hall as a sign
of centuries-old friendship and strategic relations between the two
peoples and states.

Kharatian Ani:
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