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BAKU: Russia’s Help In Karabakh Settlement "Trap" For Azerbaijan


Oct 8 2008

Russia’s support for a stage-by-stage settlement to the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict may be a trap for Azerbaijan, the independent
Azerbaijani Zerkalo newspaper has said.

"Russia’s constructiveness, particularly its support for a
stage-by-stage settlement in view of the latest developments in the
South Caucasus, may catch Azerbaijan in a trap," Zerkalo said on
8 October.

The paper added that the sides might have different understanding of
the term "stage-by-stage settlement".

"If this is the definition of all ultimate goals, including the
future status of Nagornyy Karabakh, then all is normal, at least
in general terms. That is, the ultimate goals are defined, but the
package is implemented stage by stage. However, there exists another
understanding of the stage-by-stage settlement of the conflict,
that is step by step. That is, at each stage the sides resolve only
those problems on which they need to reach agreements. As a result,
the status is not defined even in general terms at preliminary stages,
nor is it discussed on the whole," the paper said.

The report added that the second version of the stage-by-stage Karabakh
settlement was acceptable and that it had been seriously discussed
at various conferences before the conflict between Russia and Georgia.

"However, the consequences of Russian aggression urge us to give up
on this version, which will allow Moscow to constantly manipulate
the conflicting sides in its own interests and influence the foreign
policies of Azerbaijan and Armenia," Zerkalo said.

The report added that Russia wants to involve Azerbaijan in the
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and control the energy
stream from the Caspian basin.

The paper said that Russia had accused western countries, including
Ukraine, of violating international commitments on arms deliveries
to conflict zones and accused Russia of cynicism and hypocrisy.

"Russia itself delivers arms to Armenia, being an ally in the CSTO,
at Russian domestic prices, which are considerably less than world
prices, and promises Azerbaijan the same if the Baku government takes
Moscow’s interests into account," Zerkalo added.

BBCM note: In an interview with Russia’s Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that there are several principles in
the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict that have not been
agreed upon. He said that those principles would be discussed at a
meeting between the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents.

Kafian Jirair:
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