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RA Minister Of Economy Received Newly Appointed Czech Ambassador


RIA Oreanda
Economic News
October 8, 2008 Wednesday

Yerevan. OREANDA-NEWS On 08 October was announced, that Nerses
Yeritsyan, the RA Minister of Economy received Ivan Jestrab, the
newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Czech Republic to Armenia (residence in Tbilisi).

Congratulating the Ambassador with the beginning of his mission,
Minister Yeritsyan said, that Armenia gives great importance to the
development of bilateral relations with Czech Republic, as well as
the broadening of cooperation within the framework of the European
Neighbourhood Policy.

Mr. Jestrab emphasized the interest of his country to the Southern
Caucasus countries, especially to Armenia. Touching upon the Czech
Foreign Minister’s and Senate Chairman’s official visits to Armenia,
and the results of Armenian Czech Business Forum (September 12, 2008),
Mr. Ambassador mentioned, that all those events could serve as a good
platform for the future mutually beneficial collaboration.

During the meeting, talking about the level of the economic relations
between the two countries, Nerses Yeritsyan mentioned that the current
economic relations don’t develop dynamically, and the opportunities are
not fully used. Mr. Minister underlined several fields for cooperation,
such as jewellery, chemical and mining industries. Touching upon the
investment possibilities, Nerses Yeritsyan focused his attention on
the services, High-Tech and IT.

Stressing the importance of development of cooperation with the EU
countries, Mr. Minister underlined, that Armenia is making active
efforts to sign Free Trade Agreement in deep with EU countries,
because it will give an additional boost to direct the economic
reforms processes in a right course and will help us to achieve our
final goals.

The Ambassador of Czech Republic thanked the Minister of Economy for
warm welcome and said, that he is really impressed by the progressive
development of Armenia and its readiness for cooperation.

He also underlined, that he’ll support the stimulation of development
of bilateral cooperation between Czech Republic and Armenia.

Karabekian Emil:
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