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It Is Interesting Citizens Of Which Country The Children Of The Mass

James Hakobyan

12:10:41 – 23/10/2008

If the society of Armenia cares about the future of the state and
namely the Karabakh issue which has a crucial importance to this
future, it should now be highly embarrassed or at least on the verge
of it. The society should worry whether Karabakh is really sold,
who sells, for what price, part by part or the whole at once, and to
whom. For instance, the leader of the opposition Levon Ter-Petrosyan
says that Serge Sargsyan sells, and the buyer is the West. It seems
unambiguous that nobody else except the government can sell Karabakh
or any other territory of the country. In that sense, if they sell,
nobody else but Serge Sargsyan can sell it for the simple reason that
Serge Sargsyan is the head of state. But does he sell, if he sells
of course, to the West, as Levon Ter-Petrosyan analyzed in the rally
of October 17?

Maybe he knows something which is not known to the society, and
therefore he assures that the government sells Karabakh to the
West. Certainly, Ter-Petrosyan does not use the word "sell", he uses
the word "concede". But perhaps the difference is not big in terms
of meaning, tendencies of the situation, especially when it is said
that Serge Sargsyan concedes in return for the recognition of his
legitimacy. It means he gives Karabakh, he gets loyalty, hence we
deal with trade, sale and purchase, a deal.

Unlike Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s analysis, the analyses in the Russian and
Azerbaijani media prompt that the Armenian government sells Karabakh
to Russia rather than the West. In addition, these analyses seem
to be confirmed by the circumstance that in the negotiations Russia
tries to assume a leading role and undertakes a three-party meeting
of the presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia.

It is possible that while America and Russia will be fighting for
Armenia and Karabakh, the Armenian government will silently and
without any fuss sell Karabakh to Europe, especially that it may
be helpful to getting a favorable conclusion and resolution during
the discussion of the issue of Armenia in the winter session of the
PACE. The United States and Russia will certainly be upset but it
will be too late, and if they have questions, they will have to let
the Armenian government go and turn to Europe.

Although there are no analyses about it, the sale of Karabakh to
Asia or Africa should not be ruled out. It is also possible that
Australia, Latin America and even Antarctica appear among the buyer,
although the buying capacity of the penguins does not promise great
prospects to the government of Armenia. However, in any case, it
is highly important to have more buyers for a successful deal. It
would increase competition and raise the value of Karabakh. Moreover,
the buyers may even start fighting one other and forget about both
us and Karabakh, which would be the best way out for the government
of Armenia. However, this is just a hypothetical option.

Unfortunately, our product mostly interests the United States, Russia
and Europe.

However, these three, plus Turkey, are enough for the society of
Armenia to get entangled in the flow of information and be unable
to understand what is happening about the Karabakh issue. It may
proceed from the interests of the partners in trade to have the society
entangled in its perceptions, and until it realizes what is happening,
everything will be over. That would be convenient for the government
because the society will not hinder the deal, and the opposition will
perhaps say that before the society could understand his words and
move, Karabakh was sold, and the money was spent on buying special
police equipment to disperse popular movements without victims,
that is through modern technology.

Meanwhile, Karabakh is waiting calmly to see citizens of which country
the children born after the mass wedding will be.

Karagyozian Lena:
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