Turkish Lobby Targets Schiff


11:35:04 – 27/10/2008

Armenian Genocide Denialist Group Spends Thousands On Opponent

The Turkish Lobby has targeted Glendale Congressman Adam B. Schiff in
the November 4th election, raising over ten thousand dollars for his
opponent, Charles Hahn, during the month of September alone. Washington
based Turkish Coalition PAC contributed $2,300 of the total at an event
in Orange County hosted by Ergun Kirlikovali, who runs an Armenian
Genocide Denial website entitled "History of Truth.com". Representative
Schiff is the original sponsor of H.Res. 106, recognizing the Armenian
Genocide, which passed the Foreign Affairs Committee this session
despite intense lobbying by Turkey.

"The Turkish lobby will not deter me from my efforts to recognize
the Armenian Genocide. Over a million and a half Armenians perished
in the first genocide of the last century, and no amount of spending
by the forces of denial can rewrite history or discourage my pursuit
of recognition."