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BAKU: Our Goal Is To Turn Azerbaijan Into Developed Country In A Sho


Trend News Agency
Oct 29 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 29 October /Trend News/Interview of Trend News with
the founder of the republic youth movement ‘Irali’ and graduator of
the Program for Leadership Development of the Harvard University,
Jeyhun Osmanli.

Question: What do you think of the recent past and current development
way of the Independent Azerbaijani Government?

Answer: Probably, each of us, visiting one of the developed countries,
for example Norway, gets into a deep thought. The thought about whether
his country would develop in this way or would the consciousness of
people in ongoing process in the public reach the same level. We
think how we can make our country, community and level of our
individuals to meet high world standards. I think over the issues
very much. Perhaps, the thought on this issue looked like Utopia
twenty years ago. In general, there was not an independent state
under the name of Azerbaijan in the world map. Now we have a state
with 17 years independence experience. However, the independence
does not mean a political stability, state building and economic
development. Therefore our national Leader Heydar Aliyev needed ten
years to maintain the independence of Azerbaijan; to restore all
national signs related to restoration of our state; create priorities
in our policy and form the Independent Azerbaijan. So, while 17 years
ago Azerbaijan was recognized an independent state constitutionally,
now it won the political and economic independence thanks to the
efforts by the Great Leader of Azerbaijan. The very complicated
process of establishment of independent country, which took several
years in many other countries, was carried out in short period of
time in Azerbaijan. Besides aforesaid achievements, the half of
the population was poor five years ago, and Azerbaijan was amongst
non-developed countries. Though five years have passed since then,
Azerbaijan is a developing country. At present, Azerbaijan is not
a non-developed African country, but it is compared with developing
countries in the east Europe and American contingent. This factor is
proved with comprehensive development way, which Azerbaijan has passed
through for last five years. This means the incumbent President Ilham
Aliyev has carried out his mission with success.

This success increased confidence of the population to its leader
and resulted in Aliyev’s winning in the presidential election with
majority. As to my previous idea about the wish to see Azerbaijan as
the all-round developed country, I want to say that as a young man I
believe that Azerbaijan will turn into developed country. I believed
in the further development of our country most after listening to
the speech delivered by the President at the inauguration ceremony.

Question: You touched upon the very interesting topic. What statements
Ilham Aliyev made at the inauguration ceremony attracted your
attention most?

Answer: The inauguration ceremony, which lasted an hour, was enough
for the President to deliver his statements related the further
development in Azerbaijan. The opinion made at the ceremony depicted
Azerbaijan into the next five years. One of the main moments that
attracted my attention was the President’s goal to turn Azerbaijan into
developed country. President said that Azerbaijan has all necessary
conditions – human resources, economic and political stability. He
said modernization and reforms are needed to be carried out in many
spheres. In particular, Mr. President stressed for three times the
need for innovations in the political sphere.

Question: What do you mean by "innovations in the political sphere"?

Answer: By political reforms I mean, mainly, institutional reforms
and creating strong human capital as every stage of development
requires respective management and structuring. If we have set a
task to turn into a developed country, it should be conditioned on
by the presence of relevant bodies and personnel the level of which
should meet development. Human capital is especially important as
human beings are the key factor of a development. Today’s economic
miracles in Germany and Japan are implemented not by aliens, but
their people. If Azerbaijani President makes an historical call to
the citizens to turn Azerbaijan to developed country, everybody,
officials, teachers and others should possess a potential meeting
this call. People should consider their duty to serve their country
and people, but not strive for money and prestige.

Question: What is your view of President’s position on human capital?

Answer: Mr. President’s statement he made in the inauguration ceremony
"Azerbaijan needs professionals loving their country" points to human
capital. This issue stands on the agenda and President signed a decree
to educate 5,000 young people abroad due to public funds. However,
if our aim is to make Azerbaijan a developed country in a short-
term period, policy of human capital should officially enter to the
country’s life and all human resources in Azerbaijan and abroad must
be analyzed for strategic purposes. At present, there is already public
request to set up Human Capital Fund engaged in these issues. In think,
besides educational programs, there is a need to open improvement
programs abroad. For example, German Invekt holds improvement programs
for 2,000 managers from Russia annually. I think we should use this
practice. In addition, higher schools of Azerbaijan should act under
modern education standards which will contribute to stronger human
resources on the local level.

Question: During the inauguration ceremony, President put a special
emphasis on Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. What can you say
about it?

Answer: Statement of Mr. President "regardless of how many years will
go by from now on, Nagorno-Karabakh will never be independent" is an
open and clear message to the entire world in form of rejection. By
this message, President shattered hopes of all forces who wished
solution of the conflict in favor of Armenia. I support this resolute
statement and the reason behind it. Our youth realizing the core of
this statement, say "Be prepared for a war, if you wish a peace". It
is high time the opposite side made its choice.

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