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Mammadyarov: observing international law norms,


Mammadyarov: observing international law norms, Baku recognizes right
to self-determination
01.11.2008 14:52 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On October 31, Foreign Ministers of Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Russia met in Moscow to discuss the Karabakh process.

`We base on the OSCE record saying that Azerbaijan and Armenia are
parties to Karabakh conflict. As to the Azeri and Armenian communities
of Nagorno Karabakh, they participated in talks until then-President
Robert Kocharian declared that Armenia will continue negotiations on
behalf of the Armenian community,’ Azerbaijani acting Foreign Minister
Elmar Mammadyarov said when commenting on Karabakh leadership’s
statement that NKR’s non-participation in talks will slow down the
settlement process.

`There is no need to change the format because we negotiate with
Armenia,’ he said, 1news.az reports.

Touching on RA President Serzh Sarsgyan’s statement that the problem
can’t be resolved unless Azerbaijan recognizes the right of Karabakh
people to self-determination, Mammadryarov said, `A signatory of the
Helsinki Final Act and observer of the international law norms,
Azerbaijan recognizes the right of nations to self-determination.
However, it doesn’t mean that territorial integrity can be violated by
armed intrusion. Moreover, the principle of territorial integrity
prevails over that of self-determination in international legal

Nalchajian Markos:
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