Categories: News

Churchmen Abroad


17:07 03/11/2008

>From October 30 to November 2, the Conference of European Churches
and the Union of Protestant Churches of Europe have conducted fourth
meeting on "Christening in Life of Our Churches". Mesrop Archbishop
Grigoryan the Patriarchal delegate of Central Europe took part in the
meeting. The speakers of the meeting prepared papers on the problems
of christening in the Orthodox and Protestant Churches reported the
press center of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

According to the same source, on 28-29 October preparadeness meeting
of Leaders of World and Traditional religous third congress took
place in Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). The leader of Gegharquniq diosece
T. Markos bishop Hovhannisyan took part in the congress.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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