Categories: News

Hayastan All Armenian Fund Commences Work On Two Projects In Tavush


04.11.2008 15:32

Hayastan All Armenian Fund launches two development initiatives in
Tavush region’s Aknaghbyur village. Thanks to the contribution of
American Armenians via Armenia Fund USA, the Fund’s US East Coast
affiliate office, the community of Aknaghbyur will receive access to
natural gas and a new irrigation network.

The parallel launch of these two projects is part of the Fund’s
strategy of comprehensive development that aims at providing effective
solutions to the whole spectrum of issues facing the beneficiary border
communities. In this case, the gasification project will provide a
timely solution to the issue of heating the homes of the villagers,
while the revived irrigation network will substantially increase the
area of land that can be used for cultivation. This will serve as an
additional incentive for the development of agriculture, which is the
primary source of income for the people of Aknaghbyur and the key to
the economic revival of the village.

"When we found out that the Fund was going to do the gasification of
the village and the restoration of the irrigation network, many of the
members of the community came out and offered their help," says Karen
Dolmazyan, the head of Aknaghbyur community administration. "Today,
the whole community is participating in the development effort. People
feel good that they are having their input in making their home
village a better place."

"One of the crucial aspects of the projects brought to life in the
border communities is that while offering physical relief to the
biggest problems of the village, they also empower the beneficiaries,
restoring their faith in themselves and bringing back their hope for
a better future, not in another country but in their home village,"
says Ara Vardanyan, the Acting Executive Director of Hayastan All
Armenian Fund.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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