"New Start Of Conflict Regulation, Although…"


17:12 03/11/2008

Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, the chairman of "Liberal" party of Armenia
says that the declaration adopted by the Presidents of Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Russia in Moscow is a new start for the regulation of
Nagorno Karabakh conflict. This, he says, is the only paper signed
within 14-15 years. "That is not still acceptable for me as the
President of Nagorno Karabakh was not present when the document was
to be signed, besides Madrid Principles are confirmed while a few
are aware of those principles, moreover the conflict will be solved
through different phases," he said in a press conference. According
to Hovhannisyan the current Declaration rules out the participation
of Nagorno Karabakh in the negotiations.

Though Madrid Principles are adopted, this does not mean that the
United National is not authorized to study Karabakh issue, as the
declaration was signed by the three Presidents.

To the question why Russia started figuring such an active role in
this conflict, he said that Russia is intended to prove that he is
a dominant country in this region.