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Remove Smbatyan


13:45:13 – 06/11/2008

Armenia needs new diplomatic brains, replacement of diplomats, from
the Armenian ambassador to Russia to the diplomat number one of the
country, the president. This is the conclusion at which the leader
of the Marxist Party Davit Hakobyan arrived after the three-party
meeting in Moscow on November 2. "Ubrat posla," Davit Hakobyan stated
in Russian which means "remove the ambassador". He meant the Armenian
ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatyan, noting that he is too deeply stuck
in business. He stated this on November 6 at the Pastark Press Club.

Davit Hakobyan wonders where the Bismarcks, Molotovs, Talleyrands
of our nation are, and how long we are going to send our miserable
diplomatic brains to negotiate. In answer to the question whether
our nation has ever had or has such people, Davit Hakobyan said the
Armenian nation has a lot of candidates for good foreign ministers
and presidents. "Elect like the American people, and you will have
your Bismarcks," Davit Hakobyan stated.

Generally, according to Davit Hakobyan, the talks on the Karabakh
conflict have reached the point where there is no more issue of
negotiation, and the issue is put the following way: "Everything
or nothing".

Tvankchian Parkev:
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