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Demirchyan Is Concerned


[02:39 pm] 14 November, 2008

Leader of the People’s Party of Armenia (HZhK) Stepan Demirchyan
thinks the Armenian side has considerably weakened its stance in
the negotiations of the Karabakh conflict settlement. Armenia should
exert diplomatic efforts to fully involve Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
in the talks.

The Moscow declaration reconfirmed that the conflict should be
settled in the realms of the Minsk Group with peaceful means, stressed
Demirchyan. The HZhK Leader is concerned that the settlement is being
reached on the basis of the Madrid principles.

"We have announced many times that the conflict cannot be resolved
without Karabakh’s involvement in the talks. The Madrid principles are
worrying unless they are deciphered. But the information we possess
at present is rather concerning," noted Demirchyan.

As to the opposition’s alleged recess in connection to the Karabakh
conflict, Stepan Demirchyan said "the opposition is not going to
become an observer, and in case of dangerous developments it will
spell out its stance."

He cited a decelration privision under which the Karabakh conflict
must be settled in the framework of international documents.

"In particular, I would like to mention the CoE document which is not
favourable for Armenia and speaks for the surrender of territories. We
don’t endorse the idea of unilateral concessions," said HZhK Leader
adding that the conflict will hardly be settled in the coming two

Jalatian Sonya:
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