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BAKU: US estimated positively Russia efforts for regulating NK

Azerbaijan Business Center, Azerbaijan
Nov 15 2008

The US estimated positively Russia’s latest efforts for regulating
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Baku, Fineko/abc.az. On November 13, President of Azerbaijan Ilham
Aliyev received OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. The discussions focused on
the current situation of and prospects for the talks related to the
settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

OSCE Co-Chair Matthew Bryza (US) said Moscow Declaration signed by
heads of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia will help to solve Karabakh

`I think Russia has contributed a lot to the conflict regulation and
Declaration of Presidents signed in Moscow November 2 helps our
activity,’ Bryza said.

He remembered that Co-Chairs have submitted their proposals to the
conflict parties in Madrid and now the speech is about their

`As concerns our basic principles they are balanced and we hope the
territories will be returned to Azerbaijan for refugees to come back
there,’ Bryza stated.

He mentioned the possibility of peace-making forces to enter the
conflict zone. Co-Chairman also said the possibility of carrying out
future voting on Nagorno-Karabakh status will depend on agreements
between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Matthew Bryza also greeted Turkey’s efforts towards providing peace
and stability on South Caucasus.

`Turkey is very important country, a NATO’s ally. Turkey should play a
significant role on Caucasus that happens now,’ Bryza underlined.

Topchian Jane:
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