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Progress Visible in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Settlement – Lavrov

Interfax, Russia
Nov 15 2008

Progress Visible in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Settlement – Lavrov
Saturday, November 15, 2008 11:11 PM

(Source: Daily News Bulletin; Moscow – English)MOSCOW. Nov 15
(Interfax) – There are good prospects for resolving the conflict
between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno- Karabakh, said Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Azeri President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
"unambiguously confirmed their willingness and intention to continue
meeting at the top level. Moreover, for the first time in the past 14
years, they have confirmed this intention in the form of a document,
which they signed," Lavrov said on Echo Moskvy radio on Saturday,
referring to the so-called Moscow Declaration Aliyev, Sargsyan, and
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed earlier in November.

This happened for the first time after "the finish of the hot phase of
the conflict," he said.

"Second, the Moscow Declaration includes practical instructions by
President Aliyev and President Sargsyan to their foreign ministers to
step up efforts to find compromises. Third, the Armenian and Azeri
leaders for the first time formally confirmed the very existence of
the Madrid Document, which the [OSCE Minsk Group] co-chairmen passed
to the parties a year ago and which has recently been deposited at the
OSCE," he said.

"This is a great step forward," he said.

Russia’s, France’s, and the U.S.’ joint involvement in these efforts
is very important, he said.

"Some of our partners in the West suspected Russia of trying to set up
some new format, but we did not even think about this. We really value
the tripartite format," he said.

"Russia, the U.S., and France do not have tactical differences on this
conflict. They are working coordinately and are pushing the parties
toward reaching an agreement. The Moscow Declaration repeatedly
highlights the significance of this mechanism, and it needs to be
employed," he said.

Toganian Liana:
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