You Reap What You Sow


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
15 Nov 08

`Some believe morality has nothing to do with market relations. It is a
very defective approach. Moral norms must dominate in state policy.
Which means the policy of the state must be anchored on moral norms.

Had the countries like ours adopted the most important principle of
social-democracy 15-20 years back, which is – free market, as much as
it is possible, state regulation, as much as it is required, we would
have never appeared in this situation. The state shouldn’t have missed
all the levers, it should have tried to regulate rather than manage the
market. Unfortunately they didn’t do that and nothing has changed at
the moment.

They say you reap what you sow, you usually get the response of the
system you have established,’ Aram Sargsyan says.