Dancers "Upset" About "So You Think You Can Dance Tour" Coming To An

Anthony Jones

All Headline News (AHN)
Nov 17 2008

Miami, FL (CNS) — The "So You Think You Can Dance Tour" has it’s final
show tonight in Tampa, FL and the thirteen top finalists from Season
4 of the hit Fox show are not looking forward to their last dance.

"We’re really upset. We really don’t want it to end," said Courtney
Galiano, the season’s top 4 finalist. "Especially these last few days,
we’ve had so much fun together but we started to realize that it’s all
coming to an end," said Gev Manoukian, an Armenian/Russian hip-hop
dancer and top 10 finalist. The dancers, who have been on the road
since September, all shared this sentiment. "I think we’ve all grown
so close to each other that we call each other a family now," said
Latin ballroom dancer Chelsie Hightower. "This whole experience has
been absolutely amazing and incredible. It’s a very sad time because
we’re leaving everything, but it’s also a very exciting time because
now it’s time to start new things and explore. I’m really excited
to see where we all end up and what we all do." Galiano explained
how coming off a show like "So You Think You Can Dance" is different
from other reality shows. "I think this show allows dance to get the
recognition that it deserves," she said. "We’re all really sad to go
back into the real world. It is definitely a springboard for us into
bigger and better things which is really wonderful. But it’s not like
‘American Idol’ where you get signed right after that and there’s a
contract waiting for you. It’s a lot more difficult. This business
it’s 9 times out of 10 about rejection." Past "So You Think You
Can Dance" graduates have filmed parts in movies, worked with major
artists like Miley Cyrus and have choreographed for major projects,
including numbers on later seasons of "So You Think You Can Dance."

Galiano said she really likes touring and would love to work with
artists like Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Rihanna and Celine
Dion. Hightower, with her ballroom dancing background, said ABC’s
"Dancing With The Stars" is a possibility for the future. She would
join Lacey Schwimmer as the second "So You Think You Can Dance" alumni
to join the popular ABC program. As exciting as the future is for these
dancers who just headlined their own tour, Galiano says she’ll miss
"everything" about touring with the other finalists. "Everything from
being with everyone, being in the different cities and traveling,
and performing on the stage, to getting our butts woken up at 3 in
the morning because we just reached our hotel where we’re staying,"
she said. "Everything."