Forgetting About The Blind?


[12:46 pm] 18 November, 2008

Nearly 650 citizens are registered in the Union for Blinds of the
Shirak Marz. The union has production units where visually impaired
people prepare folders, electric switches and other accessories.

During the past year the state has added the number of requests for
folders, but the production unit can’t work with other clients. New
production units are needed in order to solve this problem, yet
that imposes many difficulties. Besides that, the building is
still in bad condition. A couple of years ago, the government had
promised to concede money to renovate the building and it had even
included the renovation in certain projects, but the promises remained
unfulfilled. As a result, more than 99% of the members are unemployed
and adapt to the conditions with difficulty.

The Culture Home is also in bad condition and has a problem with
heating. The municipality has promised to provide gas and the blinds
are ready to create a music group if the building is heated.