Are Co-Chairs Ready To Change The Formate Of Negotiations?


Azat Artsakh Daily
20 Nov 08
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

The quick development of the events in the South Caucasus prompt
the main political players to activize their diplomatic efforts. It
concerns also the co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group. If till the crisis
of August in Georgia intensity of "shuttle" diplomacy of negotiators
hadn’t been so high, so after five day russian-georgian war it
noticeably grew.Let’s remember: the last visit of the co-chairs of
OSCE Minsk Group with full stuff to Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was
on June 28 of the current year. But later, on September 12 and 16,
correspondingly, but already separately, the american and french
co-chairs of Minsk Group arrived in Stepanakert, which was connected
with the radical change of the situation in the region, which could
be reflected on perspectives of Karabakh conflict settlement. It’s
necessary to say, that in the process of the conflict settlement
new factors have appeared connected with the change of situation in
the region and with signing of Declaration about Nagorno-Karabakh on
November 2, in Moscow.

Besides, after the recognition of independence of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia by Russia, the problems of the republics may consider
solved. Moreover, as the other day the President of Russia Medvedev
has stated in France – unchangeable, as Russia , according to him,
is not about to review its decision. In such situation it’s natural,
that in the region attention of great players having own interests
has been concentrated upon Karabakh problem.Taking into consideration
the above-mentioned circumstances, we may dispel, that the process
of conflict settlement has entered a new stage. Connected with it,
it was not difficult to foresee the visit of co-chairs of OSCE MG
with full suff to the region.Especially as on the eve of OSCE summit,
which is foreseen to carry out on December 4-5, in Helsinki. Last week
the co-chiars of OSCE MG paid a visit to the region, who On November
15-16 visited also Stepanakert. The negotiators, first and foremost,
realize, that in new political conditions without the sides’ position,
without coordinating own future steps with the conflict’s participants
and regional main players, it hardly turns out well to secure progress
in peacemaking process.

Intensification of relations between Moscow and Washington after the
events in the South Ossetia conveys special intrigue to the process of
conflict settlement. And despite Mathew Bryza has said in Stepanakert,
that "Collaboration of Russia and the USA round Karabakh conflict
in Minsk Group is a good example", the diplomat has confessed, that
it perhaps is unique.Inspite of Mr Bryza’s optimistic confidences,
it’s hardly worth to suppose, that the factor of russian-american=2
0confrontation doesn’t influence upon the process of the conflict
settlement. It’s obvious, that the efforts of Moscow in the region
and negotiating process in the direction of ascribing it to a leading
role,which the Declaration signed in Moscow also affirms it, can’t
please the USA.

And what did the co-chiars bring with them to Stepanakert? As Yury
Merzlyakov has said, regulation will be in progress on the basis
of Madrid principles, which are "great incentive for our efforts’
activization and create additional chance to work by the clauses of
Moscow declaration". But first of all, the NKR President Bako Sahakyan
requiting the Declaration according to his deserts, simultaneously
has noticed, that without full-pledged participation of NKR in this
process, it’s impossible to give it includable character. Especially
that Nagorno-Karabakh, which has its approach of conflict settlement,
has a thing for saying and investing in that process. The second,
judging from the leakage of information let in Azerbaijan, Madrid
principles are not so acceptable for NKR. Simultaneously Baku doesn’t
stop anti-armenian preachings and hostile actions, doesn’t take
efforts for slackening of tension in conflict zone. The argument
of it is on the night of 15-16, firebrand attempt of Azerbaijanian
Armed Forces penetrating into the rear of the NKR Defence Army, which
testifys about unreadiness of Baku for solving the conflict in way
of peace negotiations.It’s notable, that Azerbaijan was undertaking
aggressive actions just at the moment when the co-chairs of OSCE MG
was in Nagorno-Karabakh. All this once again testifys the necessity of
participation of NKR in all the stages of peacemaking process till the
signing of the main treaty. The co-chairs of OSCE MG also show such
perception, who, during their visit to Stepanakert have assured,
that without an agreement of NKR people, without participation
of its representatives in the work of drafting the text of the
future treaty, it can’t be final agreement.And it’s very important,
that the perception of negotiators changes from blissful wish into
reality.Otherwise, the agreements will remain on paper, inspite of
NKR people’s legal interests and opinions. As, it’s obvious, that
the capability of the future document depends first of all on the
attitude of Nagorno-Karabakh against it, as the main participant of
the conflict and the most interested side in the work of regulation.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS