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NATO PA Urges Member States To Offer MAP To Georgia


20.11.2008 12:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On 18 November 2008, during a plenary session in
Valencia, Spain, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly adopted Declaration
373 on the conflict between Georgia and Russia.

The declaration says that "the Russian military had, for many months,
been increasing the number of troops, specialized forces, and military
equipment in South Ossetia and Abkhazia well beyond levels appropriate
for peacekeeping forces, thereby contributing to an escalation of
tensions in both regions."

Recognizing that the "increased attacks in August 2008 on Georgian
villages by forces inside South Ossetia constituted a serious
provocation," the declaration expresses disappointment that "Georgian
authorities responded with armed force, which contributed to an
escalation of violence."

"South Ossetia and Abkhazia are sovereign territory of Georgia and that
the Russian Federation voted for numerous United Nations resolutions –
including UNSCR 1808 on 15 April 2008 – which reaffirm the territorial
integrity of Georgia," the declaration reads.

The NATO PA urged member governments and parliaments of the North
Atlantic Alliance: to contribute to an independent international
inquiry to determine the chain of events that led to this conflict;
to promote the Geneva talks to find an enduring solution to the
conflicts over South Ossetia and Abkhazia without taking steps that
could lead, contrary to international law, to the de facto or de jure
recognition of the independence of either; to seek the introduction
of a broad-based international peacekeeping force in South Ossetia
and Abkhazia; to assist the efforts of the Georgian government to
complete political and economic reforms with a focus on key democratic
and institutional goals that will allow Georgia to join Euro-Atlantic
structures as soon as is appropriate; to offer a Membership Action
Plan (MAP) to Georgia; to support efforts to increase the supply
of energy resources transiting through Georgia, which will reduce
the dependence of Europe on Russian supplies of gas and oil; to
aid Georgia in rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in the conflict;
to maintain a constructive dialogue with the Russian Federation to
promote long-term stability in the South Caucasus region; to exert
pressure on the Russian Federation to bring about full compliance with
the terms of the ceasefire agreement, the NATO press center reports.

Vasilian Manouk:
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