Estonian FM To Visit Armenia In 2009

22.11.2008 13:22

Within the framework of his visit to Estonia, the Foreign Minister of
Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, had a meeting with his Estonian counterpart
Urmas Paet.

A broad range of issues related to the development of bilateral
relations was discussed. Reference was made to a number of regional
and international questions.

The Ministers attached importance to the regular consultations between
the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries as a successful
format for negotiations.

The interlocutors discussed the steps to be taken in the direction
of deepening the cooperation in the fields of economy, education
and culture.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Estonia talked about the process
of cooperation between Armenia and the European Union and the steps
to be taken in this direction.

At the request of the Foreign Minister of Estonia, Edward Nalbandian
presented the latest developments in the Karabakh conflict settlement
process and the opportunities of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish

Accepting Minister Nalbndian’s invitation to visit Armenia, Urmas
Paet said he intends to arrive in Armenia in the first half of 2009.

The meeting of the Foreign Ministers was followed by a joint press