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BAKU: Armenians Are Deliberately Rejecting The Results Of The Moscow


Nov 27 2008

Anar Mamedkhanov, Milli Medjlis deputy of Azerbaijan.

After adoption of the Moscow declaration between the Presidents
of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, it was interesting for me to
see how Armenian side would behave. I would say more, if someone
has not noticed, Day.Az on these first days acted by the principle
"do not cause a damage" and did not comment on this declaration and
just stated the adoption, fairly supposing that the signatures of
the three Presidents are a definite breakthrough and it should be
captured and further steps should be taken.

As is said, music played not for long. Armenian side immediately
ruined everything, that could give at least a small hope for peace,
by its numerous comments and statements almost in the first hours of
the signing. People, who have sunk into oblivion and sometimes even
not familiar to anyone except for their psychiatrists, were used by
Armenian and pro-Armenian mass medias.

The declaration was commented by everyone, godforsaken political
scientists, conflict scientists, deputy chiefs of departments of some
centers, leading officials of non-existing funds, mythical experts,
photographs and owners of tailor’s shops. At the same time, one Russian
news agency was inciting and rejecting the Moscow declaration most of
all. There are Russia’s national interests, there is a personal work
and success of President Medvedev in signing this document, but we
see that this Russian agency provides its tribune to extremely rude
fellows with the obvious of Armenian nationalist rhetorics.

I think and I am confident that one day the former official of
the Kremlin and the owner of the agency will be asked about the
reasons of his conduct, which contradicts to Russian national
interests. Otherwise, Baku observers will be confident that on the
one side there is signed a document and good will is demonstrated
in the resolution of the conflict, while from the other side these
people are allowed to reject this document.

Now some words about the essence of Armenian statements regarding the
Maindorf declaration. I do not know which logics are adhered to by the
so called Armenian experts, but to demand security and independence of
Upper Karabakh from Azerbaijan, is either a dangerous form of mental
backwardness, or the result of the constant adoption of hallucinogens.

This is the matter that if Armenians insist on independence of Upper
Karabakh, any security is out of the question. The security of the
Armenian and Azerbaijani population of Nagorno Karabakh can be ensured
in the result of a peace treaty, which includes the withdrawal of
troops, return of refugees, recognition of the territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan from the Armenian side.

I repeat that there are no hints, either mimic or verbal that the
Azerbaijani leadership may reject these principles.

Today our public must think of which will be the co-existence, think
of future, decide what to begin with and not give to their people the
promises far from the reality or threaten to us (it is not 1992 or
1993 today). War will make everyone suffer. But someone will suffer
more. Here my optimism is not on the Armenian side.

Tashjian Arbi:
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