ANKARA: New US envoy arriving in Ankara on Sunday

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Nov 29 2008

New US envoy arriving in Ankara on Sunday

The new US ambassador to Turkey, James Jeffrey, will arrive in Ankara
on Sunday, a statement from the US Embassy said yesterday.

Jeffrey, first nominated as ambassador to Turkey in June, is taking
over his new post from Ross Wilson. Having served as the deputy
national security adviser for President George W. Bush until now,
Jeffrey is known to be an expert on Turkey and can also speak
Turkish. He served as US ambassador to Albania from 2002 to 2004. He
was the chargé d’affaires at the US Embassy in Baghdad from 2004 to
2005. Jeffrey was pressured by some members of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee during his confirmation process in October to
describe World War I killings of Armenians in eastern Anatolia as
genocide. He declined to describe the events as genocide during the
confirmation hearing and added that he would support initiatives
encouraging Turkish-Armenian rapprochement.

29 November 2008, Saturday