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Armenia, Belarus agree to deepen bilateral relations

Armenia, Belarus agree to deepen bilateral relations

28.11.2008 11:18

On November 27 the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, paid
a one-day visit to Minsk, Belarus.

The same day Edward Nalbandian was received by the President of the
Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

Greeting Edward Nalbandian, the President of Belarus noted that the
visit of the Armenian Foreign Minister will give new impetus to the
relations of the two friendly countries. According to the assessment of
the President of Belarus, the warm relations between the leaders of the
two states greatly contribute to the friendship between Armenia and
Belarus. President Lukashenko underlined that all preconditions exist
for intensifying the bilateral relations.

Minister Nalbandian conveyed to Alexander Lukashenko the greetings of
the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan. Stressing the high level of
bilateral relations and the dynamically developing cooperation, Edward
Nalbandian emphasized the importance of reciprocal visits, cooperation
between parliamentary, local self-governance bodies, intensification of
cultural and scientific cooperation. Minister Nalbandian expressed hope
that the sitting of the Armenian-Belarusian Intergovernmental
Commission in the first quarter of 2009 will serve as a new drive for
moving forward in those directions.

Hunanian Jack:
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