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Armenia has ambitious plans for participation in World`Expo-2010′


13:51 28/11/2008

Armenia has ambitious plans concerning participation in World
`Expo-2010′ exposition

Armenia has ambitious plans concerning participation in World
`Expo-2010′ exposition in Shanghai, which is a unique opportunity to
present everything, which the country is proud of, to the world.

As the Head of organizational creative group from Armenia, Chairman of
the Union of Artists Karen Aghamyan stated in an interview to
«Mediamax», the government allocated over $2.5mln for
preparing the Armenian exposition.

The organizers of `Expo-2010′ are presented the preliminary
application to provide Armenia a pavilion of 1000 square meters `
three times more, than at the previous expositions of `Expo’ in
Hannover and Aichi.

`We intent to present all economy spheres of Armenia, capable of
causing interest among the visitors of the exposition, the number of
which, according to the assessment of the organizers, may exceed
100mln’, Karen Aghamyan stated.

The Armenian government established a special commission to get ready
for `Expo-2010′. The commission is headed by the Minister of Economy
Nerses Yeritsyan. The direct preparation for the exposition is taken
up by Armenian Development Agency and its Director Robert Harutyunyan.

Karen Aghamyan informed that at the present stage, a few projects of
the exposition are being considered, however, following the results of
numerous discussion, its topic is already defined – `Armenians in
world cities’.

We intend to choose the most extraordinary project to attract maximum
attention of the visitors, since at `Expo-2010′ we are to compete with
many countries, in particular, with Japan, the exposition of which
will be located next to ours’, Karen Aghamyan stated.

Within the framework of the exposition, the Day of Armenia will take
place, during which the presence of top leadership of the country is

Karen Aghamyan stressed that the working group is open for proposals
and will welcome all interesting ideas.

The World `Expo-2010′ exposition will take place in Shanghai in
May-October, 2010. Its topic is `Better City, Better Life’.

Source: Panorama.am

Kalantarian Kevo:
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