EBRD delegation to visit Armenia next week

EBRD delegation to visit Armenia next week

28.11.2008 17:01

Representatives of the shareholders of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development are arriving in Tbilisi on Monday for a
five-day visit to Georgia and Armenia, EBRD Press Service reports.

During their visits, the EBRD Board Directors will meet with government
representatives, members of the diplomatic and business communities and
representatives of civil society. They will also have the opportunity
to visit EBRD projects in both countries.

Representatives of the Board in the delegation will be Alain de
Cointet, representing France; Carole Garnier, representing the European
Community; Ib Katznelson, representing Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, and
FYR Macedonia; David Martinez Hornillos, representing Spain and Mexico;
Kalin Mitrev, representing Bulgaria, Poland and Albania; Hans
Sprokkreeff, representing the Netherlands and Mongolia; Joao Cravinho,
representing Portugal and Greece; and Igor Podoliev, representing
Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. During their visit, the
Board Directors will be accompanied by Michael Davey, EBRD Director for
the Caucasus and Belarus.

In Georgia, the Board Directors will meet government representatives
headed by Finance Minister Nika Gilauri, who is also the EBRD Governor
for his country. In Armenia, where the EBRD delegation will start its
mission on Thursday, meetings have been scheduled with President Serzh
Sargsyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and Minister of Finance and
EBRD Governor Tigran Davtyan.

The EBRD has significantly increased its activities in Georgia and
Armenia in recent years and invested more than $400 million in Georgia
and almost ??¬200 million in Armenia in all sectors of the economy. Both
countries are part of the Early Transition Countries Initiative,
launched in April 2004, which is using a streamlined approach to
financing to mobilise investment and encourage economic reform.