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Georgia started August war, Saakashvili confesses


Georgia started August war, Saakashvili confesses
29.11.2008 15:29 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ For the first time ever, Georgian President Mikheil
Saakashvili has admitted that his country started hostilities against
South Ossetia in August. But the Georgian leader is adamant the action
was justified, Russia Today reports.

He said it was a response to Russia’s `intervention’ in the
region. `It was a hard decision but we had to defend our citizens,’ he

Giving evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into the conflict, Mr
Saakashvili denied planning the attack months in advance. He insisted
Russia made the first move, pouring tanks and men over the border.

Mr Saakashvili said the decision to launch an assault on South Ossetia
was made after nearby Georgian villages came under "heavy bombardment"
from South Ossetia, and after "hundreds of [Russian] tanks and heavy
vehicles" started crossing the border.

"Under these conditions, if you ask me whether Georgia had to
undertake military actions against these firing positions, the answer
is yes," he said.

The Georgian President claims Russia moved tanks into South Ossetian
territory before Georgia launched its attack.

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