German Ambassador: EU ready to assist Armenia in implementing reform

German Ambassador: EU ready to assist Armenia in implementing reforms

YEREVAN, November 28. /ARKA/. The European Union (EU) is ready to
assist Armenia in implementing reforms, German Ambassador to Armenia
Andrea Victorin said at a two-day international conference on
partnership between the EU and South Caucasus.

Armenia is taking active measures to implement the European partnership
action plan, but it should take up further programs to build a
democratic country, accomplished human rights institution and supremacy
of the law, Victorin said.

According to Victorin, strengthening of the judiciary and the police
should come next in the list of the country’s goals.

Victorin said that the regional cooperation becomes more important in
terms of the direct neighborhood with the EU. According to the
diplomat, strengthening of the regional cooperation will allow the
countries not only getting economic advantage, but also relieving the
tension and settling the situation.

The EU plays an important role in the region in the context of
expansion of the European area of security and stability in the South

The EU expert group sent to Armenia as per the agreement between the
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and the EU Commissioner for Trade
Peter Mendelssohn demonstrates EU’s commitment to deepen its relations
with Armenia, Victorin said.`0–