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‘Hayastan’ All Armenian Fund gathers over $35 million

‘Hayastan’ All Armenian Fund gathers over $35 million

2008-11-28 13:11:00

ArmInfo. Upon the results of the annual ‘Telethon’ of ‘Hayastan’ All
Armenian Fund, $35 mln were gathered that is twice more than in 2007.
The Fund’s Bureau in Los Angeles gathered $1,3 mln, Lebanon – 200,000,
Montreal – 130,000, Argentine – 100,000, Great Britain – 200,000, the
Netherlands – 40,000, Australia – 50,000, New York – 200,000, France –
1,5 mln, Germany – 85,000, Switzerland – 33, 000, Toronto – 250,000,
Greece Cyprus – 40,000. Telethons, bikeathon, charitable concerts,
radio marathon in Lebanon, etc. were held within the frames of the
action which lasted for several months.

An Armenian businessman Samvel Karapetyan, living in Russia, said about
a donation of $15 mln to be directed to construction of a hospital in
Stepanakert. Among another big donators are ‘VivaCell-MTS’, Michael
Vardanyan, Samvel Aleksanyan, Eduardo Eurnekyan, Gagik Adibekyan,
Barsegh Beglaryan and others. Among other honorable guests of the
telethon were president of Nagorno Karabakh Bako Sahakyan and a number
of public figures. Sponsor general of the telethon is ‘VivaCell-MTS’,
бthe sponsors – Ardshininvestbank, ‘ACBA Credit-Agricole Bank’ and
‘Haypost’ CJSC.

Karakhanian Suren:
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