Categories: News

People, Calm Down!


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
28 Nov 08

No earthquake is going to occur

Over the recent days, we have been hearing persistent rumors in the
capital city that an earthquake is expected in the near future. In this
connection, we yesterday talked to ALVARO ANTONYAN, Head of the
National Service of Seismic Protection, and this is what he said to us,
`There are really rumors in the capital city that an earthquake is
expected today or tomorrow or some time in the near future. Those
rumors do not correspond to the reality; this is misinformation. In
general, predictions about a nearest earthquake can be made only by the
National Service of Seismic Protection which has a national observation
network; it follows the seismic regime and relies on objective data.

Today, the seismic regime is in the domain of seismic protection, and
there’s no need for anxiety. No earthquake is expected during the
nearest days, at least such an earthquake that might be felt by the

Jilavian Emma:
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