Provocative "photo" Removed From Google Earth


YEREVAN, 28.11.08. DE FACTO. As it has been reported, a hacker posted,
on Google Earth of the Armenian Memorial of Tsitsernakaberd the name of
Talaat Pasha.
This intolerable profanation is signed Haluk Dolmayan. Actually, it is
about the adulterated name of historian and Director of
Institute-museum of the Armenian genocide, Hayk Demoyan, and
independent French journalist Jean Eckian told DE FACTO.
To note, the use of interface Panoramio partner of Google, the users
can poster of the photos in its preferred places.
Today Jean Eckian told DE FACTO that following worldwide many protests
of the Armenians, website Panoramio, which had posted the name of
Talaat Pasha on Google Earth, had eliminated the insult at Armenian
Memorial Genocide in Yerevan.