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Tigran Torosyan: Nothing Happens Automatically


16:25:09 – 28/11/2008

The recent activity regarding the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
is determined by the new reality that emerged after the
Georgian-Russian war in August, as a result of which the geopolitical
importance of Azerbaijan has increased, and the power which will face
that country will gain influence in the South Caucasus. This point of
view was voiced by the ex-speaker of the National Assembly Tigran
Torosyan on November 28 at the National Press Club.

He said the Moscow declaration which Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan
signed has no serious effect and is merely aimed at boosting the role
or importance of Russia. Tigran Torosyan thinks there will be no
essential change in the settlement of the conflict in future because in
the struggle for influence in the Caucasus Russia and the United States
will balance each other through `pushing each other’.

As to the principles of Madrid, Tigran Torosyan thinks it is difficult
to speak about principles which are unknown, imprecise. He says the
principles are not as important as the details. For instance, why
should Karabakh conduct a new referendum if it has already conducted
one in full accordance with the international law, or who should
guarantee the self-determination and security of Karabakh? According to
Tigran Torosyan, there are dozens of such questions which get no
answer. On the
whole, however, he endorses the principles of Madrid,
considering them as the continuation of the Prague process, and saying
that unlike the previous proposals, the principle of self-determination
is a component of settlement.

By the way, Tigran Torosyan also said that the settlement cannot be
grounded on the international law only because there are other
circumstances as well, such as the interests of super powers. According
to the ex-speaker of the National Assembly, Armenia does not use the
option of legal, scientific steps which may strengthen the Armenian
side. Generally, according to Tigran Torosyan, the Armenian side is
weaker because Karabakh is not a party in the talks. He says he does
not care when Karabakh was left out of the talks, all he cares about is
that Karabakh becomes a participant of the talks. The ex-speaker of the
National Assembly says steps should be taken in that direction which
will be difficult and will take time but will be successful. Tigran
Torosyan thinks it is necessary to display to the world that the
statement of Armenia about the necessity of participation of Artsakh in
the talks is not titular. In answer to the question of reporters if
they agree that if Armenia stops participating in the talks, Karabakh
will automatically become a negotiating party, Tigran Torosyan said
nothing happens automatically.

Chilingarian Babken:
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