Turkey plans Istanbul-Yerevan direct flights, considers Azerbaijan

Focus News, Bulgaria
Nov 30 2008

Turkey plans Istanbul-Yerevan direct flights, considers Azerbaijan

30 November 2008 | 13:32 | FOCUS News Agency

Ankara. Turkey plans to schedule direct flights from Istanbul to
Armenia’s capital Yerevan in order to boost the recent process of
renewed relations between the two countries, Hurriyet reports on

The progress of this plan is directly connected to Armenia’s attitude
in relation to Turkey and Azerbaijan, Hurriyet Daily said citing
unnamed sources.

According to report, Ankara will also take Azerbaijan’s attitude on
the issue of direct flights consideration. "No concrete decision has
been taken as yet. The issue should be assessed as a mental exercise,"
sources were quoted as saying in the report.

Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic ties and their border has been
closed for more than a decade, as Armenia presses the international
community to admit the so-called "genocide" claims instead of
accepting Turkey’s call to investigate the allegations, and Armenia’s
invasion of 20 percent territory of Azerbaijan.