President Sargsyan’s Address On The 20th Anniversary Of The Earthqua

08.12.2008 11:53

President Serzh Sargsyan addressed the people on the 20th anniversary
of the earthquake of 1988. The President stated, in part:

"Your Holiness, Dear Mr. Kocharyan, Dear compatriots,

Today we mark the 20th anniversary of the greatest natural disaster in
the new history of Armenia – the Spitak earthquake. It was a disaster
the pain of loss and tragedy of which echoed in the heart of every
person from epicenter Shirakamut, and the whole humanity united under
the slogan "For you Armenia" notwithstanding geographical distance,
despite the existence of the cold war, irrespective of ideology and
political views.

It’s hard to express with words the pain and sorrow we felt. The
blind disaster destroyed our cities and villages, took the lives f
thousands of people, left hundreds of thousands without shelter. For
many years the northern part of our country was called "disaster
area." On these days we recall the memory of our brothers and sisters
who fell victims of the tragedy, we extend words of condolences and
encouragement to all those who witness those December days of 1988,
whose relatives and friends were killed by the horrible tragedy.

It’s a double disaster, when you bear the tragedy alone. However,
from the very first day of the devastating earthqu ake our people
felt the spirit of warmth of human soul and friendship. The world
joined our pain.

Today it’s our duty to extend words of gratitude to everyone,
the rescuers and constructors, the pilots and statesmen, those who
brought water and bread, those who sent blankets and tents. People
were visiting Armenia to support us, to say words of encouragement,
to inspire hope and faith, and simply to share our pain and not leave
us alone. Today we say thanks to everyone.

Dear compatriots, Over the past years we were learning lessons of
the devastating earthquake.

We managed to solve a number of issues. Under the immediate leadership
of President Kocharyan, we carried out large0scale construction
works, managed to overcome the despair, the housing conditions of a
number of families were improved. Schools, kindergartens, a number of
healthcare and cultural centers were built. However, we did not manage
to completely eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Moreover,
today we face the task of rapid development, today we should manage
to have the pace of development of Lori, Shirak, Tavush and other
marzes reach that of Yerevan. Together we will solve these issues.

In a few years we will be able to fully overcome all the consequences
of the tragedy. I mean there will be no homeless families, the normal
and gradually improving life will be restore. We have promised to
do it, and we will reach it despite the economic crisis, despite
the obstacles.

I will not consider the problem fully solved, until the last family,
the last citizen gets an apartment and lives in normal conditions.

Twenty years ago the humanity assembled under the slogan "For you,
Armenia," words, which have acquired a new meaning and are conceived
today as a call to serve our Motherland and people.

This call becomes more encouraging with construction of every new
home, exploitation of every new educational establishment, with the
work of every Armenian for the sake of Spitak and Gyumri, for the
sake of Shirakamut and Vanadzor, for the sake of our people, an for
the sake of Armenia’s strengthening."