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Government Adopted NKR Law Project On State Budget 2009


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
December 01, 2008

On December 1, 2008, the regular session of the NKR Government chaired
by the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan took place. The first agenda
issue referred to the NKR law project "On NKR State Budget 2009", which
was presented by the NKR Deputy Minister of Finance M.Hakobjanyan. The
programme of the NKR Government activity, approved by the NKR National
Assembly, according to which in 2009 the economic growth recorded
in the Republic will be secured, served as a basis for the project
development, particularly, the gross domestic product is intended to
have an actual growth at 14 percent in 2009, which corresponds to the
obligations assumed by the NKR Government activity’s programme. It will
form 102.1 mlrd drams against 86.14 mlrd drams of the current year.

Own profits of the NKR State Budget in 2009 have been planned to form a
sum equal to 20912 mln drams, namely, the growth against 2008 will form
15.2 percent. According to the Budget project of 2009 the obligatory
payments on social insurance have been intended to form 5.2 mlrd drams,
which will exceed the level of maintained receipts in 2008 by 900
mln drams. As for official grants, 710 mln drams is expected to be
received from the Republic of Armenia for building and reconstruction
of the flats of the NKR perished for liberty soldiers’ families.

According to estimate, the deficiency of the NKR State Budget in 2009
will form 4490.1 mln drams. The deficiency financing is anticipated
to be implemented on account of borrowed means, free balance means at
the beginning of the year, on the basis of repayment of credits lent
during the previous years, and other foreign and domestic sources. The
volume of the State Budget forms 58.542.1 mln drams against 51.417.6
mln drams in 2008, or the growth forms 13.9 percent (7124.5 mln drams).

The average monthly rated salary of teachers and administration staff
of comprehensive schools were increased by 29.5 percent forming nearly
110 thousand drams. The salary of pedagogical, administrative and
school assisting personnel of educational institutions planned for
primary and secondary vocational education increased according to the
general principles of increases implemented in the system of general
education. The salary of the personnel of pre-school and extra-school
educational institutions was increased by 20 percent.

Increase of salaries of public health system employees’ is
also foreseen: 50 percent increase in the salary of doctors, 20
percent increase in that of hospital nurses. In tote, the expenses
of healthcare system make up a sum of 3.25 mlrd drams, which has
increased by 645.4 mln drams against 2008.

The rate of the main pension has increased by 17.6 percent making it
equal to 8000 drams against 6800 drams in 2008. The insurance value
per a year work experience has increased by 13.9 percent and forms
450 drams against 395 drams in 2008. The basic pension rate has also
increased by 16 percent and 5800 drams against 5000 drams in 2008 were
defined. For rendering benefits and aids 4.4 mlrd drams are envisaged
by the State Budget, which is by 600mln drams more than in 2008 (3.8
mlrd drams). On the whole, in 2009 to the sphere of social welfare 15.9
mlrd drams are allotted from the State Budget, which in comparison with
2008 is more by 2.2 mlrd drams, or the increase forms 16.1 percent.

Increase of salaries at 10 percent is envisaged in the sphere of
culture too . As a whole, expenses of sphere make 602, 3 mln drams,
which in comparison with 2008 is more by 32, 0 mln drams.

According to the State Budget project 2348.7 mln drams are envisaged
for the sphere of agriculture, which is 867.3 mln drams more in
comparison with 2008. 1624.4 mln drams subsidy against 1098 mln drams
in the previous year is foreseen to every community budget.

Calculations made for a state employee’s basic official rate of pay
formed 40000 drams, for an employee of the tax service it formed
55.5 thousand drams, and for compulsory executors’ – 42000 drams,
maintaining the level of 2008.

Summing up his speech, concerning the NKR law project "On NKR State
Budget 2009", the Prime Minister noted that the Government will try to
avoid ungrounded expenses in any possible way. The Government session
has approved the project of this law, which will be submitted to the
discussion of the NKR National Assembly.

After approving of the NKR law project on introducing changes and
additions to the NKR law "On NKR Budgetary System", the Government
had also affirmed the programme "On State Assistance to SME in 2009".

A wide range of resolutions, such as "On Tax Service", "On Taxes",
"On Profits Tax", "On Income Tax", "On Excise-Duty", "On VAT", "On
Trade Tax" aimed at optimization of tax field, to which additions
and changes must be introduced, was presented by the Chief of the NKR
State Tax Service A. Balayan and these law projects were approved by
the Government.

The session had also affirmed presented by the same service law
projects on making changes and additions to the NKR laws "On Affirmed
Payment", "On Arrangement and Realization of Supervisions in NKR",
"On Functioning of Cash Register Inspection Machines", as well as on
activities of persons using them.

According to the law projects on introducing changes and additions
into the NKR law "On Minimal Monthly Salary Size" presented by the NKR
Social Welfare Minister N.Azatyan, from January1, 2009, the defined
size of minimal monthly salary will form 30 thousand drams. According
to the law project on making changes and additions to the NKR law
"On Invalids’ Social Insurance", it was proposed from January1, 2009,
to cease granting of monthly allowance to invalid children and instead,
to increase the size of granted welfare payment. Instead of 8500 drams
benefit and 6000 drams monthly aid it will form 18000 drams. The
annual programme "On Invalids’ Social Insurance for 2009" was also
affirmed at the session, and the state programme "On Regulation of
Employment and List of Arrangements" was approved.

By the next agenda issue the Executive had approved the NKR law
project "On Affirmation of Healthcare State Purposeful Programmes
for 2009" and its’ submission to the discussion of the NKR National
Assembly. While discussing this project in the NKR NA the NKR Minister
of Healthcare A.Khachatryan was appointed the official representative
of the Government of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

The NKR state purposeful programme on scientific, scientific and
technical development for 2009, as well as the programme on development
of physical training and sport was approved by the NKR NA.

Law projects on making changes and additions to the NKR laws "On
NKR Citizenship", "On NKR Electoral Code", "On Military Service"
which will be also submitted for the discussion of the NKR NA were
affirmed by the Executive.

According to the Government resolution "On NKR Theatres" state non
commercial establishments, dated March 16, 2004 will be reorganized.

The Government had approved the annual programme on fight against
illegal circulation of narcotics and their usage for 2009, which will
be presented to the discussion of the National Assembly within the
project of the State Budget. Law projects "On Police Service" and
"On NKR Police’s Discipline Code Affirmation" will be submitted to
the discussion of the NKR NA.

R.Shaferyan, Chief of the NKR Police was appointed the official
Government representative.

On concluding the agenda, the session had accomplished its work.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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