President Of The NKR Convoked A Consultation…


Azat Artsakh Daily
08 Dec 08
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

On 8 December President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako Sahakyan
convoked a consultation on situation in judicial system and the
course of reforms being carried out in this sphere. The President
considered important the establishment of the institute of forensic
department which is to contribute to increasing the effectiveness
of the system’s work. Bako Sahakyan underlined that the necessity
to keep implementing activities to form a corresponding moral and
psychological atmosphere in sphere as well to sum up the activities
of each organ of the judicial system in a public way on an annual
basis. The heads of judicial system organs, NKR finance minister and
other officials partook at the consultation. *** On the same day the
President, accompanied by NKR minister of municipal engineering and
mayor of Stepanakert, visited industrial concrete plant construction
site and a territory of the Center of children’s creative work where
a new kindergarten is to be built. Both objects are located in capital
Stepanakert and sponsored by "Four Direction" company. The Head of the
State got acquainted with construction activities and plans on site.