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Sitting Of State Commission On Housing Programmes’ Systematization T


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
December 01, 2008

On December 1, the regular session of the State Commission on Housing
Programmes’ Systematization chaired by the NKR Prime Minister Ara
Haroutyunyan took place. It resolved to suggest the NKR Government
implementing works for the settlement of housing problems of persons
and families involved in the agenda on account of the means anticipated
by the programme of decree 472 dated June 20, 2008, on affirmation of
the state order of capital investments to be implemented on account
of the NKR State Budget 2008. In compliance with this a resolution
was adopted to build a house in Karin Tak village of Shoushi region
for the perished soldier’s widow Yeranik Arstamyan. It was resolved
to buy a house for the perished soldier’s widow Svetlana Haroutyunyan
in Berdashen village of Martouni region and to construct detached
houses for the perished soldiers’ families in the villages Karin Tak
of Shoushi region and Berdashen of Martakert region (for Astghik
Avanesyan, Roza Abrahamyan in Karin Tak, Ksenya Aivazyan, Hamest
Petrosyan in Vaghuhas, Varya Sevyan, Seda Sevyan, Ruzanna Beknazaryan,
Alena Abrahamyan, Lida Abrahamyan in Khnkavan).

In the town of Shoushi and in the villages of Vaghuhas and Khnkavan
construction of houses for the socially needy families of NKR war
invalids Vardan Mirzoyan, Rafik Gharakhanyan, Hermon Verdyan, Vazgen
Mikaelyan, Pasha Beknazaryan, Rafik Verdyan, Areg and Lorik Abrahamyans
will be implemented.

During the session it was resolved to render the one-room flat N2 in
the Azatamartikneri street of Stepanakert to Artak Beglaryan, a first
group invalid out of paternal care, to conduct reconstruction works of
the house of children out of paternal care (Vagharshak Hakobjanyan)
in the village Sghnakh of Askeran region. The commission resolved
to render houses to four refugee families (Ashot Shaboyan, Valeri
Aroushanyan, Aleksandr Baghdasaryan and Mikael Abrahamyan) in the
district Ajapnyak of Stepanakert, to carry out reconstruction works
of the house belonging emigrant Seyran Avagyan’s family inhabiting
in the same district.

A resolution was adopted to buy a house for the refugee Slavik
Tevosyan’s necessitous family in the village of Badara and to buy a
two-room flat in Shoushi for the inhabitant of Stepanakert Kaitser
Aleksanyan (7 members in the family).

Thus the session accomplished its work.

* * *

After the NKR Government session had been accomplished a conference
at the NKR Prime-Minister Ara Haroutyunyan with participation of the
Heads of Regional Administrations took place, during which problems
concerning the overdue repayment of credits and the process of
agricultural works were discussed.

Torgomian Varazdat:
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