Corruption In Armenia Is Widespread

11:51:27 – 09/12/2008

Transparency International anti-corruption center has issued a
statement on the international day of corruption which holds that
both local and international experts say corruption is widespread
in Armenia, and every sphere and institution is affected by
corruption. Corruption continues to undermine our state, economy
and morality, and failure to tackle political and administrative
corruption means to endanger the present and future of Armenia.

In 2008 the anti-corruption strategy worked out, and several
anti-corruption legislative acts were passed, and anti-corruption
initiatives were undertaken, such as revelation of serious breaches
and misuse in different spheres by the Audit Chamber of Armenia,
prosecution and indictment of government officials, the corruption
database on the website of the prosecutor general, the introduction
of the new system of justice, amendments to the law on declaration
of property of physical persons, tax legislation, the police reform,
raise in salary of judges.

Nevertheless, Transparency International states that the revelations
of the Audit Chamber did not get a serious response, the indicted
officials are not high-ranking officials, no revelations regarding
declaration of property and income were reported, the clash of
interests and coalescence of political and economic interests
remain unaddressed, the oligarchs and major businesses are not the
target of tax reforms, justice and law are not applied equality to
everyone. Moreover, during the presidential and local elections
political corruption was reported (misuse of administrative,
information, financial and other resources, election bribe), violence
increased. Control of the media has strengthened, and pluralism is
banned, reporters and political activists are assaulted, freedom of
speech, assemblies and demonstrations are constrained. The wrongdoers
of March 1 events are unpunished, there are a number of political
prisoners, and there is no policy dialogue.

Effective battle on corruption involves three directions:
prevention, revelation and public support which includes all the
institutions and values of the society. Transparency International
warns that the level of corruption will not go down unless freedoms
of press, expression, assemblies and rallies are ensured, everyone
is protected independent from their activities and political views,
there are fair and independent trials, elimination of monopolization of
economy, competition on the market, elimination of clash of interests,
accountability of government officials, free and independent elections,
participation of citizens in decision making. Corruption is impossible
to overcome by separate reforms in separate spheres and arrest of
separate low-ranking officials, Transparency International states.