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NKR: Concrete Factory Has Been Put Into Service

Svetlana Khachatryan

Azat Artsakh Daily
09 Dec 08
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

"Four Direction" company of businessman and benefactor
Seyran Karapetyan places an industrial concrete factory in
Stepanakert.Yesterday the NKR President B.Sahakyan accompanied by
the minister of Urban Planning A.Vardanyan and mayor of Stepanakert
V.Michaelyan visited construction landing. According to S.Karapetyan,
the factory will be ready and will give its first production on
December 16th. 60 cubic metre concrete of high quality will be produced
in an hour. By estimation of the minister A.Vardanyan, production
of concrete of such size is unprecedented in Karabakh. At present,
when sizes of construction realizing in 2009-2011 in Artsakh are
being discussed, exploitation of such factory is too necessary.

As she said, owing to the factory we should have construction
material corresponding to modern requirements, which would be
used for construction of dwelling and public building-construction
materials. A. Vardanyan considered the starting of a new enterprise
a huge and serious step in the sphere of construction. Seyran
Karapetyan’s "Four Direction" company operates successfully in Moscow,
China, Switzerland, Erevan and henceforth it will operate also in

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