We Are Close To Recognition By Turkey


14:02:29 – 09/12/2008

The international recognition of the Armenian genocide is close to
the point when Turkey will at last recognize the genocide. This is the
opinion of the head of the ARF Bureau office of political affairs Kiro
Manoyan was hosted at the Pastark press club on December 9. According
to him, the purpose of the process of international recognition is
recognition by Turkey. Kiro Manoyan says the recognition by the United
States would be an impetus. And Kiro Manoyan says the recognition
by the United States after the inauguration of President Obama is
possible, noting that the pledges and behavior of Obama before the
election, as well as appointment of figures who are for the recognition
of the Armenian genocide to key posts are evidence to this.

Kiro Manoyan also said that some circles advise Turkey to set to
establish relations with Armenia to prevent recognition by the United
States. Kiro Manoyan says it does not mean that we must reject this
process because Turkey intends it to prevent the recognition by the
United States. However, according to Kiro Manoyan, Armenia should take
this into consideration and adopt a distinct stance on the issue of the
genocide, rejecting proposals to discuss this issue in any framework.