A. Baghdasarian Says The Decisions Of Secretaries General Of CSTO Se


Dec 10, 2008

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS: The session of secretaries general
of security councils of member countries of CSTO took place today in
Gegharkunik province with the participation of Arthur Baghdasarian
(Armenia), Nikolay Patrushev (Russia), Yuri Zhadorin (Belarus), Nurlan
Abdirov (Kazakhstan), Amirkul Azimov (Tajikistan), Adahan Madumorov
(Kyrgyzstan) and Shukurlo Muhammadkulov (Uzbekistan).

After the session A. Baghdasarian told journalists that the session
passed efficiently, during which a number of decisions have been made
due to which the CSTO will continue to develop efficiently.

"The made decisions will contribute to the further consolidation of
the organization", – he said.

A joint center is planned to be established for fighting against
international terrorism, money-laundering, illegal migration,
trafficking, illegal circulation of drugs and other challenges
threatening to the member countries of the organization, where
corresponding anti-corruption forces will be trained.

According to N. Patrushev, during the session the organization has made
a decision to support the initiative of Russia to sign a new European
security agreement, which will give an opportunity to establish a
joint system of Euro Atlantic collective security.

"All the CSTO member countries greet the Russian-French initiative
of conduction of a pan European summit in OSCE territory with the
participation of CIS, CSTO and NATO to discuss the future security
system with equal participation of all Euro Atlantic countries and
international organizations", N. Patrushev stated.

According to A. Madumorov, everything possible has been done to
involve the CSTO youth in the works of the organization to promote
cooperation between them. An international youth center is planned
to be established in Kyrgyzstan, and gathering here each year the
young men of the mentioned countries will cooperate.

"Who knows, maybe the future presidents and heads will be among these
young men", he noted.

In response to the question of a journalist CSTO Secretary General
Nikolay Bordyuzha said that no issue of expansion of the organization
has been discussed. There is no application of joining the CSTO
at present.

"In spite of this the organization cooperates with numerous countries
including the other CIS member states".

"After the August events there is a necessity to consolidate the
organization even more and to solve all the issues we face", CSTO
Secretary General said.

A. Baghdasarian also added that the issue of joint position in the
international organizations has been discussed.

"Active negotiations have already started between CSTO member
countries. Today we clearly defended Russia’s initiative, which is
important for the joint position. We must also always conduct thought
exchange on issues we are concerned with. Today’s issues and made
decisions are a good basis for future development and strengthening
of CSTO. There are definite programs the presidents of our countries
have also greeted", A. Baghdasarian said.

Next year the CSTO chairmanship will pass from Armenia to Belarus.