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Armenia-European Union Cooperation Council’s 9th Sitting Held In Bru


Noyan Tapan

Dec 10, 2008

BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The annual sitting of the
Armenia-European Union Cooperation Council took place on December 9
in Brussels. Armenia’s delegation consisting of various departments’
high-ranking representatives led by RA Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian took part in it.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet, the Minister of European Affairs of France
presiding over in EU led the delegation on the part of Europe.

Presenting the steps undertaken in Armenia in the direction of
fulfillment of the European Neighborhood Policy Actions Plan,
E. Nalbandian said that program’s fulfillment is the priority of
cooperation with EU, the evidence of which is RA President Serzh
Sargsyan’s creating an interdepartmental commission coordinating
cooperation with European structures. The RA Foreign Minister also
attached importance to the signing of the agreement on sending a group
of EU advisers to Armenia on business, for efficient implementation
of reforms in various spheres in cooperation with EU.

RA Deputy Ministers of Finance, Economy, Energy, and Justice presented
the reforms implemented in those spheres, government’s economic
policy, reforms done in the court and legal sphere, steps undertaken
to provide Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant’s security, program of building
of a new nuclear power plant.

The fulfillment process of the Armenia-EU Actions Plan of the European
Neighborhood Policy was discussed in detail during the sitting. Both
sides expressed satisfaction with the successful implementation of the
program. At the same time it was mentioned that program’s possibilities
are not exhausted completely yet and there are considerable prospects
to expand the cooperation.

The European side welcomed the Moscow Declaration on Nagorno Karabakh
settlement adopted lately, the December 4 joint statement of OSCE
Minsk Group co-chairing countries’ Foreign Ministers and the December
5 statement of OSCE Foreign Ministers Council.

The Eastern Partnership proposal was presented by the European
Commission, which envisages deepening of cooperation between European
Union and partnership member countries in a number of spheres.

At European side’s request E. Nalbandian presented the negotiations
process of Nagorno Karabakh settlement, as well as the steps aimed
at normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations.

A meeting between E. Nalbandian and Benita Ferrero-Waldner,
Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy,
took place after the sitting. The sides discussed a number of issues
regarding Armenia-European Union cooperation and exchanged thoughts
over regional developments.

After the meeting E. Nalbandian, Minister of European Affairs of France
Jean-Pierre Jouyet and Benita Ferrero-Waldner signed an Agreement on
Some Aspects of Air Communications between the Republic of Armenia and
the European Community. It will facilitate cooperation of Armenia and
European Union member-countries, as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein,
Iceland, and Norway in the aviation sphere.

According to the report provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA Foreign
Ministry Press and Information Department, the previous day, on
December 8, E. Nalbandian had a large speech on Armenia’s foreign
policy at the Royal Institute of International Relations of Belgium.

In his speech he in detail presented the Nagorno Karabakh settlement
negotiations process. Touching upon the statement of OSCE MG
co-chairing countries’ Foreign Ministers in Helsinki calling for
using the positive moment created after the meeting of Armenian and
Azeri Presidents, OSCE Foreign Ministers’ statement, and Azerbaijan’s
response to those documente, E. Nalbandian said: "It is not the first
time that Azerbaijan after taking one step, I would say even half a
step goes two steps back, and a natural question emerges: is Azerbaijan
indeed ready to go to solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem today?."

In connection with the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
relations the RA Foreign Minister said that the two states are indeed
interested in establishment of diplomatic relations with each other and
opening the border, therefore normalization of the relations without
preconditions is logical. He considered positive and constructive
his last contacts with the Turkish Foreign Minister and said that an
agreement has been reached to continue the meetings.

Minister of State of Belgium Francois-Xavier de Donnea, EU Special
Representative for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Peter Semneby,
Special Representative of NATO to the South Caucasus and Central
Asia, Ambassador Robert Simmons, members of Belgian parliament and
Senate, dozens of Ambassadors accredited in Brussels were present at
E. Nalbandian’s speech.

Completing his visit to Brussels on November 9, E. Nalbandian left
for Sofia where he will join the delegation led by RA President
Serzh Sargsyan.

Nadirian Emma:
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