Establishing A Commission On Karabakh Conflict Caused Difference Of


AZG Armenian Daily

Establishing a commission on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in the
Parliament of Azerbaijan has caused difference of opinion between
the power and opposition.

"It is important to establish a commission in the Parliament in order
to deal with the solution of the conflict from the point of view of
legislation and maintain the conflict on the focus of attention," MP
Panah Huseyn, member of Musavat group of MPs representing opposition
in the Parliament, told TrendNews.

Huseyn said that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is the basic problem of
Azerbaijan and the MPs representing both power and opposition have been
proposing sine 1995 to establish a commission on the conflict. However,
due to various reasons, these proposals have not been accepted.

"The executive power agencies deal with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
since it is a serious problem, but there are issues which can involve
the Parliament as well," Huseyn added.

Ziyafet Askerov, first vice speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament, chairman
of standing commission on security and defense, told TrendNews that
there is no need to establish such a commission.

"Because whole people deals with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
settlement. It is not the work of one commission, but entire
people. Therefore, I am against to create two sides here. The President
of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, holds the talks successfully, and after
concrete result, the issue will be expressed attitude and entire
people will know it," Askerov said.

Saying that the talks are being held between the Presidents and
Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Askerov stated that if
any progress or concrete results in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
settlement, it is possible to hold discussions in the Parliament.