Categories: News

"PACE To Inflict Penalties On Armenia"


15:12 16/12/2008

How will PACE assess the implementation of its recommendations by
Armenia? Alexander Manasyan, the President of "Civil Research Academy"
NGO says that our people need democratization, and that our future
depends on democratization activities, hence we should think of these
things instead of preparing some reports for Europe.

"If we have home consensus and all the political bodies are saturated
by dedication and love towards their country, we’ll have what to say
to Europe and we are given that chance," said A. Manasyan.

Note that tomorrow the PACE Monitoring Commission in Paris will
hear the Commissioner of Human Rights Thomas Hammaberg’s report
about Armenia.

Politician Levon Shirinyan who was present at the press conference says
that most probably Europe will inflict penalties on Armenia. "Being a
nation which creates European values, we have gone too far from them
and we are going to be fined for that. That will be a good chance to
increase the pressure and influence on Armenia," he says.

Jalatian Sonya:
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