Armenia Interested In Expanding The Framework Of Cooperation With Th

16.12.2008 15:25

President Serzh Sargsyan today received the OSCE Secretary General,
Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and his delegation.

Highly appreciating the constant support of the OSCE to the reforms
implemented in our country, the President noted that as a member
state Armenia is interested in expanding the framework of cooperation
by embracing new spheres and issues. Serzh Sargsyan stressed the
importance of cooperation with the OSCE, taking into consideration
that the process of settlement of the Karabakh issue is underway
within the framework of that organization.

The interlocutors talked about the opportunities of resolution of the
Karabakh issue and the role of the OCE in the settlement process. Serzh
Sargsyan and Marc Perrin de Brichambaut attached great importance
to the declarations on Nagorno Karabakh adopted by the OSCE Foreign
Ministers and the Foreign Ministers of the Minsk Group co-chair
countries. They agreed in their opinion that the militant statements
cannot contribute to the solution of the existing problems, and the
August events once again demonstrated the dangerousness of solving
conflicts via force.

The parties turned to the political and economic reforms implemented
in Armenia. Noting that during his tenure in office President
Sargsyan has taken daring and large-scale steps in the direction
of implementation of refo rms, the OSCE Secretary General displayed
interest in the spheres the Organization could be useful. The leader of
the country said the authorities are resolute to continue the reforms,
consolidated in the President’s pre-election platform and are in line
with the priorities of the political coalition.

During the meeting reference was made to the issue of persons detained
as a result of the events of March 1-2.